The Java and .net framework are practicing best to bridge
together and to bridge with almost anything. The Java web development team at
Sun Microsystems is working hard to give something new and innovative every
time. SO what’s new in this latest series?
Java developers have invented a new feature that will be
popular as “Proxy by the name” in coming years. This release was requested by
JNBridge users several times and finally, the day has come when their request was accepted by the expert developers of Sun Microsystems.
If you are an expert developer, then you must be familiar
with the fact that metadata cannot be extracted from Java easily. The Java 8
version address the problem and extraction have been made easy for the
developers. And now this was the correct time to add “Proxy by name” feature.
Have you worked on the Java reflection API?
The API enables coders to discover information about
methods, classes, and functions that use in a particular program or
application. It makes it easy for you to link or map Java objects or classes
together. But there are security restrictions that have to follow in any case.
An application that needs to connect to public or target objects
is usually bound under this API. The developers thank the expert Java web development team for inventing this new feature and giving them the opportunity
to expand their coding skills dramatically.
Next comes to JNBridge that is specially designed to access
entire API either from Java or .net. It also connects Java and .net for
seamless interoperability. Now the problem of cross-platform compatibility will
get resolved for sure.
When you access a new functionality proxy by name, much cool
content will be added here to help you. Once you start using this release, you
will get more benefit from this product. To know more on similar updates or
Java frameworks, Contact Java web development team at Aegis Softtech now.
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